Valentine's day at San Francisco City Hall | Michel & Renad

Happy Anniversary to these two!! Who got married on Valentine’s day last year at the iconic San Francisco City Hall.

At first I was worried that 1) it was going to be a total downpour (though it did rain later, but we were all prepared!) and 2) that it was going to be hella busy at City Hall (more so than usual) - but it wasn’t at all and it seemed as though staff at City Hall was prepared for it to be so, they were definitely extra prepared and organized for all the couples who had reservations AND the walk-ins! YES, walk-ins! The only day, SF City Hall allows it. They transform the entire North Light court into the registration area with velvet ropes and fun on theme decorations!

These two actually contacted me to photograph their ceremony months earlier - but schedules and other family issues didn’t align then, so when they reached out in February to see if I was available for their Valentine’s day ceremony and portraits afterwards, I was so glad I was available to capture it all.

Are you planning to get married on Valentine’s Day? Are you planning to get married at San Francisco City Hall? AWESOME - let’s connect!


SF City Hall wedding with two receptions! | San Francisco Wedding Photographer


Studio Session | Anniversary Couple's Portrait Session